
Healing Journey Bundle

Original price was: ₦22,000.00.Current price is: ₦16,000.00.

Healing is a process, not an act. However, that journey can become tiring really quickly if you are by yourself or have recently relapsed into an old habit or hurt. This bundle will give you the courage to move through the dark days – when healing feels too complicated.

N.B: it is believed that you are seeing a therapist/counsellor, or have already seen one before you are purchasing this bundle as it is a support material and not a core solution in itself.

What is in the bundle?

  • 4-part healing affirmations – 12k
  • Healing is a process nano-course – 10k 


Healing is a process, not an act.

If you have been raped, body shamed, abused in any form, or come from a physically, emotionally or sexually abusive home, you know clearly that you have some things to heal from. Whereas some other emotional hurts sound less aggressive but can do severe damage to a person’s mind like heartbreak, living in constant lack, being ignored over a long period of time, and living with pessimistic people.

All of the above have the capacity to cripple your ability to dream, live, be present, understand and experience pleasure. While life isn’t solely about pleasure, an inability to experience it at all is also a deficiency in some form.

As you decide to heal and give yourself a chance, there are days when you will be fatigued and want to return to whatever trauma, addiction or way of life you are trying to outgrow.

How do I know I am struggling with my healing journey?

  • You want to quit trying to be healed – you want to settle because choosing to heal is a different brand of pain and hard work.
  • When you are stressed, you reach out to people who were toxic and used to hurt you – you are reaching for what was familiar.
  • You always make up excuses and dodge your accountability partners – answering them means committing and commitment means doing the work. When you start dodging, you have unconsciously started choosing your past.
  • You are beginning to explain your traumas away and you are mentally and emotionally defending an abusive world e.g “people are always like that, you can’t blame them. I am sure it was my fault” etc.

This bundle will help you confront the reality of the situation and give you the required courage to heal for your sake.


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