
Trauma Recovery

Original price was: ₦245,000.00.Current price is: ₦210,000.00.

Heal from sexual & verbal abuse

  • 6 personal sessions – 210k
  • Your romantic partner is welcome to one of your sessions (free)
  • Weekly self-work & self-paced journal therapy – 15k
  • Assessments – 10k
  • Affirmation audios – 10k


There are many ways to deal with trauma 

  • Act like it never happened 
  • Set up boundaries so it doesn’t happen again while living with what has already happened 
  • Avoid any person, thing or place that reminds you of your trauma/ looks like that past 
  • Dress up the hurt with a mask 
  • Become extreme (extra hot or extra quiet) in your personality
  • Become vengeful to anyone who holds a resemblance to your past in the name of justice
  • Heal from the trauma


We are inviting you to take the seventh option – the hardest one no doubt but the most long-lasting and resultful. 

As humans, we are drawn towards pleasure and drawn away from pain. Confronting your trauma doesn’t sound pleasurable as it means you will have to mentally and emotionally revisit and confront your perceived weaknesses, failures, regrets and every negative emotion attached. 

So, let me help you rephrase your desire. 

Do you want to stick with the first six ways of managing trauma listed above and merely survive for the next few years? Or, will you go through the discomfort of confronting it now and knowing your healing has been set in motion?

Short-term pain to long-term pleasure is what I am inviting you to instead of short-term pleasure and long-term pain.

Consequences affect our decision-making process and here are some consequences you have been experiencing without knowing it comes from your chosen trauma management style.

Management styleConsequence
Act like it never happenedHave unconscious self-sabotaging tendencies because you have relegated something major to your subconscious.
Set up boundaries so it doesn’t happen again while living with what has already happenedWhat has already happened left unhealed, leaves you attracting the same patterns in your life.
Avoid any person, thing or place that reminds you of your trauma/ looks like that pastTrap yourself in a circle running away so that you never get to see the other sides of life – you could be very lonely & never experience trust.
Dress up the hurt with a mask.You have a facade to maintain every day and that leaves you more fatigue – you are neither dealing with the past nor living in the present.
Become extreme (extra hot or extra quiet) in your personalityConvince yourself that you are weak and undeserving then let everyone treat you like a doormat or become extra aggressive and make people afraid to be with you.
Become vengeful to anyone who holds a resemblance to your past in the name of justiceLose objectivity, be unpleasant to be around, hide behind social justice to seek revenge (because you are fighting your abuse through newer people) and generally become emotionally toxic to others.

Do you still experience any of these listed consequences? Then, it’s time to heal because you love yourself and not anyone else.

You can argue that you have spoken about it and you felt good. That’s great! Who did you speak with?

Almost anyone can listen to you. About half of the people who listen to you might be empaths but how many of them are equipped to help you navigate your challenges? 

Even if your parents and best friends are psychologists, they really can’t help you as they are too emotionally connected to be objective. 

At Liza Express, you get objectivity, virtual sessions that allow you to join the session from your most comfortable space, empathy, professionalism, take-away weekly tools, no judgments, and a kind therapist. This will be tough but you don’t have to do it alone

If you are still in doubt, visit our content page and read/listen to any content that is connected to the challenges you want to see a therapist for.

If you still want more confirmations regarding our values and delivery,  feel free to check out our client testimonials all over the website. 




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