This is where you build a balance by doing the hard work of reviewing your relationships and responsibilities to see what you could do better and receive better.

This episode focuses on what our lives will look like if we had no responsibilities. Will you have an identity if you didn’t have anything to do or anyone to save? Will you have value to yourself?;

This episode was primarily to cater to how having a messiah complex can backfire quickly but you can trust Liza to take the initiative to quickly cater to your parenting needs. Find ways you’ve been sabotaging your relationships by being a little too responsible. It sounds contradictory until you listen to the full journey in […]

We define the messiah complex as having the urge to save something, someone or a situation. That’s a great thing right? But is there a possibility that this level of focus is trauma induced? Is there a possibility that you became responsible way too early? Find out more by listening to this series on Messiah […]

Developing your messiah complex isn’t all negative. Find the benefits and how you can harness those benefits even as you seek balance.