Trauma Recovery
The Liza Express Podcast offers expert insights on how to break up with trauma and addictions so you can live your best life as a person and lover.

Sex Questions
These are anonymous sex questions you can ask as if you were texting your best friend. The difference? This bestie is a professional therapist, ready to offer expert guidance, informed by years of education, experience, and empathy—all without ever spilling your secrets.
Free Resources
Simple tools that guide you through your healing journey without adding any financial burden. However, like nurturing a fruit tree, they will require your time and discipline if you wish to see any meaningful harvest.

This road is designed to take couples on sexual adventures regardless of the phase of life they are presently navigating. Sexpressway: every turn to pleasure.

Live Healed
Our courses are designed for you to learn how to build walls that save you from hurts but also gates that allow you come outside and live life to the fullest.