You can be fantastic and no one will know.
The assumption is that when you are good, good people come to you but technically that’s not how it always works.
It’s like saying because your product is good, customers will automatically find you with no adverts.
People only buy what you sell.
When we created the class ‘buying and selling point’ – it was simply from studying people. Everybody has what they buy and sell romantically.
Most people don’t know consciously but some people are conscious.
What do you think the Playboy does? he sells what he knows that he has. What does the woman who likes younger boys do? She promises to buy what he has to sell. You think she doesn’t know what she is doing? She has a target market.
The problem is that people who have good character, good habits and who should be in great relationships just assume that just because they are good, good stuff is looking for them. Nope, bad stuff is also looking for them to drain them.
You are amazing, you’re healing your generational traumas, you’re reliable and financially sustainable (add your other credentials)…. Well, who knows you’re all these things enough to date you or recommend you?